EU Commissioners Ciolos and Piebalgs to visit the Circuito Carioca de Feiras Orgânicas markets invited by Slow Food President Carlo Petrini

Many educational activities to support the organic farmers’ markets to be held by Slow Food during Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

Invited by Slow Food president Carlo Petrini, UE Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloş and UE Commissioner for Development and Cooperation – Europaid, Andris Piebalgs, will visit the Circuito Carioca de Feiras Orgânicas (the Carioca Organic Circuit of Farmers’ Markets) during the Rio+20 Summit.

Guided by Carlo Petrini, Mr. Piebalgs will be given a tour of Tijuca farmers’ market on June 21 at 10:45, while Mr. Cioloş will visit the Jardim Botânico’s market on June 23 from 9am till 10:30.

The presence of the European Commissioners at the Organic Farmers’ Markets underlines the importance of a more sustainable model of agriculture in order to preserve the Earth as well as cultural traditions.


In these two occasions, the EU Commissioners will meet the producers, follow the activities of Slow Food and talk to the press.

On June 17 Mr. Petrini will also speak at the Sustainable Development Dialogues on Food and Nutritional Security.

About the Circuit

Until recently, Rio de Janeiro, a city with over 6 million inhabitants, had only one organic farmers’ market. This scenario started to change two years ago with the Circuito Carioca de Feiras Orgânicas.

The Circuito Carioca was created by ABIO (Biological Agriculture Association of Rio de Janeiro) in partnership with SEDES (Secretariat of Solidary Economic Development of Rio de Janeiro’s City Hall).

To support and help communicate the importance of bringing producers and consumers closer together, Slow Food international has been working closely with farmers in Rio de Janeiro to promote the markets and to improve the stall’s visual identity.

Most of the farmers, organized in groups or associations, rely entirely on these markets as the only viable venue to sell their produce. For consumers, the markets are an occasion for purchasing organic and healthy food at a fair price and for getting to know those who are growing their fruits and vegetables.

During the Rio+20 summit, Slow Food will organize educational activities at the farmers’ markets for city dwellers and visitors. The activities will be held at the markets of Ipanema, Tijuca, Bairro Peixoto and Jardim Botânico, from 10 am till noon.

In the farmers’ markets and in the People’s Summit, Slow Food will give visibility to concrete, sustainable experiences – those that already exist and those that are still in discussion. The aim of the event is to provide a communication platform and encourage visitors to discuss and understand the implications of the current food system for humans and the planet.

Slow Food sees in the direct contact of farmers and consumers, a pathway to defend the right of every person to food that is good, clean and fair.

By promoting organic agriculture, Slow Food raises awareness to the current unsustainable and unfair food system, especially in Brazil where one out of three vegetables is contaminated by pesticides, according to the World Public Health Nutrition Association (WPHNA).

During Rio+20, Slow Food will distribuite the guide Rio de Janeiro – 100 Tips Slow Food with tips on ‘good, clean and fair food’ that will help both Rio’s inhabitants and the thousands of visitors to the Summit discover local foods, restaurants and projects. The guide provides suggestions on where to eat or buy locally sourced foods and discover innovative social projects in poor communities and favelas as well as the many urban agriculture projects which are growing around the vibrant city. 

Slow Food has been present in Brazil since 2002 and counts 32 convivia (local chapters). Through projects such as the Ark of Taste, Presidium and Terra Madre, Slow Food in Brazil involves over 40,000 producers. Slow Food is a global grassroots organization that envisions a world in which all people can access and enjoy food that is good for them, good for those who grow it and good for the planet. It counts 100,000 members world wide, hundreds of convivia and Terra Madre communities in over 150 countries.

Schedule of Slow Food’s activities at the organic farmers’ markets

From 9 am till noon

19/06 – Ipanema
Praça Nossa Senhora da Paz

21/06 – Tijuca
Praça Afonso Pena

23/06 – Bairro Peixoto
Praça Edmundo Peixoto

23/06 – Jardim Botânico
Praça da Igreja São José da Lagoa


Paola Nano – Slow Food International
Press Office Director
Via della Mendicità Istruita, 14
12042 BRA (Cn) – Italy
++39 0172 419645
++39 329 8321285
[email protected]
Skype: paolanano

Cíntia Bertolino – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
[email protected]
+55 (21) 8003-4606
Skype: cintiacrisbb

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